Hey everybody, today we started our day with some preparation for our board game promotional video that I read the script for yesterday.
We started the design for a poster that we will be going to be making for the Mole Hunt.
We did some tests for our equipment to get our audio right, since yesterday during out testing, we couldn’t find a secure way of fastening the microphone to our camera B. We ended up finding a temporary solution by using some electrical tape to attach the microphone onto the microphone attachment.
Andrew, the creator of the board game came to the studio today to talk more about how he wants the game to be showed. Andrew and Jim made some changes to the script to make the video the best that in can be.

Andrew also help us by explaining the board game in detail on how its played so we have a better idea of how to film it.
During the conversation about the script and the stage directions, I filmed the behind the scenes of what they were discussing – with the B camera in multiple different angles.