Hey everyone, today was mostly an editing day but I did do some slight filming.
I started off the day today with getting the videos we filmed yesterday off their SD cards and in the Ma cStudio at our video editing station. I made sure to put all the clips in the right area to not mix things up and keep an organized workflow.
Then I started importing all of our clips from the camera and audio files into Final Cut Pro to start the editing process. I edited my first multi-cam shot using multiple camera angles and audio files. It took me a little bit of testing and figuring things out but I managed and was able to cut together the footage.

Andrew came in today to continue rehearsing for the pitch video and more work on the script. We filmed another small rehearsal clip to make sure to when it comes to films the pitch video we have all of the little kinks out. Whilst Jim and Andrew discussed about the script, I organized and edited the footage we filmed today.